Occupational Therapist Assessment for your home

Occupational Therapist Assessment for your home

The key aim of occupational therapy is to help you develop or maintain a satisfying routine of meaningful everyday activities that can give you a sense of direction and purpose. This can include help with budgeting, domestic or personal care routines, leisure activities, and involvement in work or voluntary activities.

An Occupational Therapist can identify problem areas that people may have in their everyday lives and will help them to work out practical solutions to overcome these problems. Daily tasks can include: Getting on/off bed, chair or toilet. Walking indoors and outdoors.

The occupational therapist assesses these through asking you to complete daily tasks such as getting on/off a chair, getting in/out of the shower and walking around your home environment. This helps the therapist to explore why specific tasks are hard to perform or whether they are currently unsafe.

The therapist will also assess the current methods used to mobilise and access the community and can consider what aids or strategies might be helpful to improve your capacity to go into the community or even to access your place of work.

Older clients and those with significant mobility issues would benefit from occupational therapy house visits as it allows them to remain as safe and independent as possible allowing them to stay in their own home for longer.